Apply Online

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of IBPS.
  • Step 2: Go to the home page, find and click on the ‘IBPS Clerk Exam Application’ link.
  • Step 3: Click on the ‘New Registration for 2022’ link.
  • Step 4: Fill the form with basic details such as the name, father’s name, date of birth (DOB), etc.
  • Step 5: After entering the essential information, double-check it and click the ‘Save and Next’ button.
  • Step 6: Upload the digitally scanned required documents and click next.
  • Step 7: On the following page, fill in your educational and professional information, and then click the next button.
  • Step 8: Proceed towards the fee payments. Use online net banking, credit cards, or debit cards to pay the online application fee.
  • Step 9: Download and save the copy of the application form along with the fee payment receipt for future purposes.

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